First-Aid Certification Training Course
At CPR for Professionals, L.L.C., we understand the value and importance of first-aid. A good first-aid certification course and training program can prepare you for a wide range of emergencies. Whether you are responding to an accident or injury in the workplace or at home, having the skills and knowledge to provide basic first-aid can make a significant difference in the outcome of the situation. Enroll in our course today and be prepared for any emergency situation.
First-aid certification course and training
Designed to be comprehensive, the standard first-aid course covers all of the most common injuries. See this brief overview of the course modules offered and how each can help get you up to speed in nearly any emergency.
What's included?
Wounds - For the purposes of first-aid, wounds are any type of injury that involves cuts, scrapes, punctures, or other open tissue damage. Our module will explain all the necessary steps to act effectively, including what to look for and how to respond until a higher level of medical care arrives.
Heart - The rate of heart attacks in the United States remains high, and so knowing how to respond in the moment could mean saving the life of someone you care about. With proper first-aid instruction, you will learn valuable techniques for cases such as this, as well as chest pain and respiratory arrest.
Fractures - Fractures, broken bones, bruises, sprains, and strains can all range from mild to severe, but in the most serious cases it pays to be prepared. Understanding how to make splits and slings will not only protect patients from further damage but ease their pain.
Burns - Burns that are only skin-deep can be painful enough as it is, but more serious ones that go deep into subcutaneous tissue are another matter altogether. Learn to know the difference between first, second, and third-degree burns and how to respond to all of them. Preventing infection and administering pain relief medications are the priority in all of these cases.
Poisoning - While it may not be something we think about on a day-to-day basis, poisonings take place regularly and can come from a variety of sources including insects, medications, and common household problems or items. Learn the most effective ways to respond to drug overdoses, bites and stings, and other common types of poisoning.
Hemorrhages - A hemorrhage is a loss of blood that can occur in any number of ways. Depending on the amount of blood, the hemorrhage can fall into four different classes, which each require a different type of treatment. Everything from nosebleeds to hypoglycemia is covered, preparing you for all the common situations you could encounter.
Choking - Food and other sources of blockage can obstruct airways and pose a serious health risk. Knowing how to effectively respond to various choking hazards is a skill that can save the lives of both children and adults. Learning how to deal with infants, children, adults, and unconscious people is necessary to have a full understanding.
Injuries - Injuries can come in all sorts of shapes and sizes, and being fully prepared is about having the ability to respond regardless of the circumstances. Chemical splashes, foreign objects, black eyes, and head injuries are some of the most common.
Shock - Different from electrical shocks, a biological shock is a physiological response to any one of a number of different health conditions. Seizure and strokes are the ones we hear most about and require immediate medical attention from those trained in first-aid. Learn about all of the different risk factors and how to respond appropriately.